There is a great deal of alarm in the city concerning the arbitrary installation of the proposed ‘bus gate’ traffic controls.
The understanding is that the government has provided funding for local authorities to put in place fast track measures to counter the effects of the pandemic. Examples could be cycle lanes, pavement widening etc. Measures that would not require consultation and measures supposed to enhance the town or city concerned.
I and many others are absolutely sure the remit does not include measures that are going to damage the economic viability of the city or town concerned and at the very least require detailed public consultation.
The strategic positioning of all these ‘bus gates’, albeit under the caveat of being experimental and temporary, will dramatically and adversely affect the economic well being and viability of the centre of Oxford and all those who exist and trade in it. Businesses, offices, shops, colleges and other educational institutions.
In my opinion and the opinion of many, many others, if the installation of these bus gates goes ahead without proper debate within the city, it will be looked upon as a gross act of self harm with far reaching consequences. It is not acceptable to label this move as temporary because it’s incredibly difficult to reverse these things and once installed, the damage will be done.
The City Council must not ‘experiment’ or tinker with measures that are guaranteed to adversely affect people’s livelihood, especially within the context of the current economic devastation caused by Covid, whatever pressure certain vested individuals or groups within the Council exert.